Discover Italy Through Dolce Far Niente

In this article you will find some information on slow travel and what is my idea behind Dolce Far Niente.

What does I mean? Find out what is my idea and 10 Ways to Experience the Dolce Far Niente. But if you want to learn more about these issues, please continue reading.


If you have read my story and taken a look at the Manifesto, you are surely wondering what I mean by “dolce far niente my way of defining slow travel in Italy”.

Slow travel is a new travel philosophy that promotes slow and sustainable tourism and transforms the tourist into a conscious traveler.

The idea behind is very simple: live the travel slowly and calmly, without the stress and anxiety of having to see everything.

Dolce Far Niente is my slow travel proposal in Italy, to discover and enjoy authentic experiences.

slow travel california

Slow travel

Slow travel was born as an effect of the Slow Food movement, an international cultural association, created with the aim of promoting the pleasure of food and being at the table and defending local producers.

It invites the traveler to slow down and enjoy the journey. The ideal means of transport to fully experience the slow travel philosophy are trains, bicycles and your own feet.

Slow tourism

It is a form of travel created in contrast to mass tourism, in which the itineraries are marked by rigid roadmaps to be able to see as many places as possible and in order to put a pin on the map or a geo-localized photo on social media.

Have you ever back home from a trip and feel even more tired than before you left? Here, that’s mass tourism.

Slow tourism invites the traveler to create his trip based on his own needs and passions, to stay more time in a place to immerse himself in the local reality, respecting the environment, culture and traditions, therefore closer to Sustainable Tourism is responsable.

slow travel china

Dolce far niente

It comes from the Latin “otium”, a term used to refer to a free time immersed in the creative dimension.

In fact, it isn’t a question of deceiving boredom or killing time, but letting oneself go gently in the absence of commitments, purposes, haste, defined forms of action.

It seems like a mindfulness activity, living the moment. Whether it’s a family lunch, an aperitif at the bar with friends or a promenade, stop and listen to all 5 senses and the emotions they create.

My idea of slow travel and Dolce Far Niente

Dolce far niente and slow travel are two philosophies underlying slowness and enjoying the experiences of the moment. Italians have a deep and rich culture about this, which transmit their artistic and cultural heritage through cooking and traditions.

Is suitable for everyone? Reading the definitions it would seem an exclusive mode of travel for backpackers or digital nomads.

I believe that you can travel slow even when you have a permanent job and only 2 weeks of vacation a year.

The important thing is to build your travels on the basis of the values that slow travel promotes, but above all to back home with an indelible memory of the places visited, to feel rooted and satisfied, as well as to feel more relaxed and at peace with oneself.

dolce far niente

10 Ways to Experience the Dolce Far Niente

  1. Choose a few destinations in order to spend more time in the same area;
  2. No wake up in the morning, if you prefer;
  3. Wander around the Historic Center;
  4. Sit down at the table and enjoy a good meal;
  5. Sitting in a Church and taking in its peaceful quietness and its beauty;
  6. Take a cooking class or food tour;
  7. Tasting of wines or typical products;
  8. Attend a local festival;
  9. Browse a traditional market;
  10. Book accommodation with local charm.

What are you waiting for to discover Italy with me? Browse my blog or say Ciao Tania!

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